Friday, March 21, 2008


I think theme of this book is overcome sufferings then you will be happy. They had overcame many sufferings like storms and pirates. But they didn't reach a goal but they had a goal. The goal was go to Malaysia safely.
They didn't want to die that they can overcame many sufferings. At last when Thay Van Chi died, he gave a different goal. He said to Kien protect Mai and Loc. So I knew that Kien will reach the goal. Becaus he has a goal.


LaurenK said...

niceee jobb
writingg the theme~!!
you r reading the same
book as me! hehe
i think a boat to nowhere
is a good book ㅋㅋ

AlvinY said...
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AlvinY said...

I think this book is so boaring.

JenniferY said...


Your book sounds good.>_< Your theme's different from my theme because mine's about courage and the nature of courage. I liked how you stated the theme then explained it. (your explanation was a bit sort though. It felt like a incomplete song....~_~)

ClArA said...

hi! exactly!! i thought same thign as you hahaha kkkkkkkk good good

lienchingC said...

I am agree with you that the characters suffered really a lot.
but the end of the book they became free~